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Don Machholz

Deneb: How astronomers know how far away it is

The star Deneb - part of the Summer Triangle - is one of the most distant stars you can see with your eye alone. But why don't we know its distance precisely?

Which moon phase is best for stargazing? That depends.

Which moon phase is best for stargazing? Most astronomers would tell you that the best moon is no moon. But it depends on what you want to see.

Green comet passes Aldebaran on February 14 and 15

The green comet - Comet 2022 E3 (ZTF) - will pass near the bright star Aldebaran on February 14 and 15. Find maps and guidance on how to see the pair.

Kochab and Pherkad: The Guardians of the Pole

Kochab and Pherkad are two stars in the Little Dipper that carry the nickname of the Guardians of the Pole. Here's how to find them and more.

Raining fish and frogs … for real

Click here to read many recent, documented accounts of raining fish and frogs. Yes, it's a real thing! Discover the causes here.

Visualize the Perseid meteor stream in space

This visualization by Ian Webster and Peter Jenniskens uses NASA data to render the Perseid meteor stream in space. Don't miss this!

Tau Herculid meteors: Best images and video

Best images and video from this week's much-anticipated (and not disappointing) Tau Herculid meteor shower.

Baily’s beads seen during a solar eclipse

May 15, 1836: Francis Baily, an English astronomer, saw light shining through lunar ridges during an eclipse of the sun. These are now known as Baily's beads.

Darn! Comet C/2021 O3 PanSTARRS has disintegrated

Astronomers hoped comet C/2021 O3 (PanSTARRS) would get bright after its April 2022 sweep near the sun. Instead, it disintegrated.

The Bortle survival limit for comets

Astronomers learn even from failed comets. The Bortle survival limit gives us a prediction as to whether a comet will survive perihelion.