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Photos of January 20-21, 2019, lunar eclipse

Field of stars with a star cluster on one side, plus the red moon in eclipse.
The January 20-21, 2019, eclipsed moon was near a famous deep-sky object, a star cluster called the Beehive, or M44. This star cluster is faint. To the eye, the moon’s light would have overwhelmed it. David Cortner wrote: “All I know to do to get both the moon and the stars around M44, an open cluster a few degrees away. This is a stack of 97 20-second exposures to maximize signal/noise, some at ISO 400 to retain some lunar detail and most at ISO 1600 to capture the starfield. Canon 6D, Nikkor 180mm F2.8, iOptron SkyTracker (original model).”
Bright orange eclipsed moon, on black background, with scattered stars.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Karl Diefenderfer in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, caught the eclipse at 12:22 a.m. on January 21, 2019. He wrote: “It’s an extra special treat of a lunar eclipse to be able to capture stars around a full moon. It was so worth braving subzero windchills.”
Nine photos of the lunar eclipse in a single image, showing stages of the eclipse.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Patrick Prokop in Savannah, Georgia, wrote: “A composite of photos that I took of the January 20, 2019, lunar eclipse from my backyard garden.”
Twilight and haze over hilltop monastery, with the eclipsed moon over mountains in background.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | The total lunar eclipse of January 21, 2019 – 6:30 a.m. – over Meteora monasteries in Greece from Aimilianos Gkekas.
Lunar craters and 'seas' on the moon's surface, visible during the eclipse.
View larger at EarthSky Community Photos. | Lunar eclipse from Weatherly, Pennsylvania, on January 21, 2019, at 12:05 a.m. from Tom Wildoner. Sky-Watcher Esprit 120mm ED, Canon 6D, single 10 second exposure, unguided.
Line of close-together moons, full and bright at each end and orange in the middle.
View larger at EarthSky Community Photos. | Marvelous time-lapse image of January 20-21, 2019, lunar eclipse, from Dennis Schoenfelder in Alamosa, Colorado. He wrote: “It was below zero so I set up the camera outside the front door and sat inside watching, I pop out occasionally to check things out. One frame every 3 minutes.”

Bottom line: Photos from the EarthSky community of the January 20-21, 2019, total eclipse of the moon.

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January 21, 2019
Astronomy Essentials

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