Astronomy Essentials

Draconid meteor shower 2025: All you need to know

Draconid meteor shower: Star chart with set of radial arrows at one end of constellation Draco.
The radiant point for the Draconid meteor shower almost coincides with the head of the constellation Draco the Dragon in the northern sky. That’s why you can view the Draconids best from the Northern Hemisphere. This chart faces northward at nightfall in October. The Big Dipper sits low in the northwest. From the southern U.S. and comparable latitudes, in October, obstructions on your northern horizon might hide the Big Dipper from view. From farther south – say, the Southern Hemisphere – you won’t see the Dipper at all in the evening at this time of year. But, if you can spot it low in the sky, use the Big Dipper to star-hop to the star Polaris. Polaris marks the end star in the handle of the Little Dipper. Got all these stars? Then you should also be able to spot Eltanin and Rastaban, the Draconids’ radiant point, high in the northwest sky at nightfall in early October. Draconid meteors radiate from near these stars, which are known as the Dragon’s Eyes.

The Draconid shower – also called the Giacobinids – is a real oddity, in that its radiant point stands highest in the sky as darkness falls. That’s why you’ll see more Draconids in the evening hours than in the morning hours after midnight. The parent comet of this shower – Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner – was at perihelion in March of 2025. Does that mean we’ll see a storm of Draconid meteors this year? Possibly.

Predicted peak: The peak is predicted** for 19 UTC on October 8, 2025.
When to watch: The best time to watch the Draconids in 2025 is as darkness falls on the evening of October 8 through the wee hours of the morning on October 9. However, the thick waning gibbous will light up the sky. So try to block out the moon when watching for meteors.
Overall duration of shower: October 6 through 10.
Radiant: Highest in the sky in the evening hours. See chart above.
Nearest moon phase: Full moon is 3:48 UTC on October 7.
Expected meteors at peak, under ideal conditions: Under a dark sky with no moon, you might catch 10 Draconid meteors per hour.
Note: The Draconid shower is a real oddity, in that the radiant point stands highest in the sky as darkness falls. That means that, unlike many meteor showers, more Draconids are likely to fly in the evening hours than in the morning hours after midnight. This shower is usually a sleeper, producing only a handful of languid meteors per hour in most years. But watch out if the Dragon awakes! In rare instances, fiery Draco has been known to spew forth many hundreds of meteors in a single hour. That possibility keeps many skywatchers outside – even in moonlight – during this shower. Since the parent comet of this shower – Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner – was at perihelion in March of 2025, does that mean we’ll see a storm of Draconid meteors this year? Possibly.
Draconid meteor storm possibilities this year? Keep reading …

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Report a fireball (very bright meteor) to the American Meteor Society: it’s fun and easy!

Draconid meteor storm this year?

The Draconids meteor shower’s parent comet, the object responsible for the dust we see burning up in our atmosphere, is the small periodic comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. This comet comes about as close to the sun as Earth does. Then it ventures back just past the orbit of Jupiter before returning 6.6 years later.

The debris from the comet is not scattered uniformly around its orbit. Much of it is still bunched near the comet. Therefore, when the comet comes back into our neighborhood, it can produce a spectacular meteor shower known as a meteor storm: hundreds or even thousands of meteors per hour. This happened in 1933 and 1946, with several thousand meteors an hour. In the years 1985, 1998 and 2018, it produced increased counts but not meteor storms. European observers saw over 600 meteors per hour in 2011.

During the perihelion of the comet on September 10, 2018, Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner came closer to Earth than it had in 72 years. Consequently, the Draconids had an outburst in 2018. See photos of the comet as it swept safely past.

The last perihelion passage of Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner was on March 29, 2025. And it means the comet, and its bunched-up debris, are relatively near Earth now. What does it mean? Will we see a storm of Draconids this year? Probably not … but you never know.

A chart with a wavy horizontal line showing distance of Comet Giabobini-Zinner to Earth over 6 years.
The Draconids’ parent comet – Comet Giacobini-Zinner – is relatively close to us in 2025. Chart via

Where is the radiant point?

The radiant point for the Draconid meteor shower is near the stars Eltanin and Rastaban in the head of the constellation Draco the Dragon in the northern sky. Its far-north location is why the Draconids are best viewed from the Northern Hemisphere. See the two charts above.

The Draconids are best in the evening, because the winged Dragon, the shower’s radiant point, flies highest in the October sky at nightfall. As night passes – no matter where you are on Earth – the radiant point sinks lower in your sky.

You don’t have to locate Draco the Dragon to watch the Draconids. These meteors fly every which way through the starry sky. But finding Draco is fun and relatively easy. The two charts in this article show you two easy ways to find it. You can star-hop either from the Big Dipper or from the Summer Triangle.

More about the Draconids’ parent comet

Michel Giacobini visually discovered the comet that now bears his name on December 20, 1900, in the evening sky, from the Nice Observatory in France. The comet was faint and in the southern part of the constellation Aquarius. Giacobini was using a 46-centimeter (18-inch diameter lens) refractor telescope, the largest telescope for comet hunting at the time. Though 21P/Giacobini-Zinner is periodic – with a 6.6-year orbit around the sun – observers missed it at its next return.

Then, on October 23, 1913, Ernst Zinner of Germany found the comet while looking at variable stars. This was his only comet discovery.

The International Cometary Explorer visited this comet in September 1985, making it the first comet to be visited by a space probe.

Draconid meteor shower has a rich history, too

Astronomers in the early 20th century speculated that meteors and comets were related. So of course they tried to link various comets to the spectacular showers of meteors that sometimes rain down in Earth’s sky.

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner was a particularly tempting object about which to make predictions. Remember, it returns every 6.6 years, and its closest point to the sun is about the same as Earth’s distance.

And Comet Giacobini-Zinner didn’t disappoint the astronomers.

The relationship between 21P/Giacobini-Zinner and its meteors – so studied and discussed among professional astronomers in the early 20th century – probably explains why the Draconid meteor shower sometimes goes by the name Giacobinids.

For a taste of history related to this shower, go to the Astronomy Abstract Service from the Smithsonian and NASA. Find a 1934 article called The Meteors from Giacobini’s Comet by C.C. Wylie. It’s an account of the famed meteor storm of 1933.

Draconid meteor shower from the Southern Hemisphere?

It’s possible to view the Draconids from the Southern Hemisphere. But if you’re so far south that the radiant point in the constellation Draco doesn’t rise above your horizon, or rises only briefly, you won’t catch many.

As seen from the Southern Hemisphere, you would have to be rather close to the equator in order to see Draco’s stars. Suppose you live in northern Australia – say Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia – which is at 12 degrees south latitude. If so, you’d be able to see the stars Rastaban and Eltanin very close to your north-northwestern horizon at nightfall in early October (given an unobstructed northern horizon). These stars would set fairly early in the evening. And so you wouldn’t see the head of Draco again until nightfall the following evening.

Why early evening? It’s because, no matter where you live worldwide, the head of Draco reaches upper transit (highest point in your sky) at around 5 p.m. your local time in early October.

Thus, from latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere – even those as far north as northern Australia – you’d have a very narrow window for seeing meteors. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, and you’re really wanting to see a Draconid, try looking as soon as it gets really dark on October 7 and 8. And don’t expect much.

Star chart of Summer Triangle with arrow pointing to dragon's eyes stars.
Those at southerly latitudes will have a tough time finding the Big Dipper at this time of the year. Instead, star-hop from the Summer Triangle to locate Eltanin and Rastaban near the Draconids’ radiant point. At nightfall in October, look overhead for the Summer Triangle. Draw an imaginary line from Altair through Vega in the Summer Triangle. That line will point to Eltanin and Rastaban.

Draconid meteor photos from the EarthSky community

Starry sky with a meteor streak and a fuzzy galaxy.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Daniel Gauss captured this image on October 8, 2024, from New Mexico and wrote: “My only Draconid of the night, captured at peak time of 1:05 a.m. MDT. Bonus elements, Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way.” Thank you, Daniel!
Short, thin streaks in circular pattern with brighter streak cutting across them, in light blue sky; water below.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | David Cox in Deep River, Ontario, Canada, captured this photo of star trails and a Draconid meteor on October 8, 2021. He wrote: “Polaris time lapse captured a single, impressive Draconid meteor streak over the Ottawa River at Deep River, Ontario, Canada, early in the evening of October 8, 2021.” Thank you, David!

Bottom line: In 2025, the Draconid meteor shower – also called the Giacobinids – will probably produce the most meteors on the evening of October 8 and through the early hours of October 9. Will this be the year we see a meteor storm?

EarthSky meteor shower guide

*Predicted peak times and dates for meteor showers are from the American Meteor Society. Note that predictions for meteor shower peak times may vary. Back to top

October 7, 2025
Astronomy Essentials

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