
Venus and Regulus on September 4, 5 and 6 mornings

Venus and Regulus: Large and small white dots next to horizon at bottom of steep line of ecliptic.
Venus and Regulus make a bright pairing in a few days. Venus is the brightest planet. It’s brighter than any sky object, except the sun and moon. And, although it’s near the sunrise glare now, you can still see Venus (barely) in early September. Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion. It’s fainter than Venus. But, as Venus sinks closer to the sunrise, Regulus ascends out of it. The 2 pass on September 5, 2022.

September 4, 5 and 6 mornings: Venus and Regulus

Just before sunrise in early September, 2022, you can still find Venus very low in the east before sunrise. It’ll appear near the star Regulus in Leo the Lion around September 4, 5 and 6.

Venus is the brightest planet and can be seen very low in the sky. Regulus is fainter, but still one of the brightest stars. On one of these mornings, it’ll pop into view for you.

And Venus? It’s now heading toward the sunrise glare, as Regulus is pulling out of the glare. Venus will pass 0.8 degrees north of Regulus on September 5.

Venus will soon pass behind the sun

Afterward, if you watch the eastern sky before sunrise, you’ll find that – one morning – Venus will be gone, too close to the sunrise to see (really, passing behind the sun from Earth). Meanwhile, Regulus – whose name means Little King – will be ascending in the eastern, predawn sky.

Venus will disappear into the sunrise glare in early September, pass most directly behind the sun on October 22, and emerge again into the evening sky before the year’s end.

Morning twilight, crescent moon and Venus above trees, reflected in a mirror-like lake.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Ragini Chaturvedi in New Jersey captured this beautiful scenic image of the waning crescent moon and Venus on August 25, 2022, and wrote: “Thin sliver of moon on Thursday morning in the wee hours. Venus had just risen up to the level of my vision. The moon reflected back in earthshine from its reflection in water. I am so glad I did not sleep through this morning and that skies were clear.” Thank you, Ragini!

Bottom line: Venus and the star Regulus are visible near one another around the mornings of September 4, 5 and 6, 2022. Afterward, Venus will disappear into the sunrise.

For more great observing events in the coming weeks, visit EarthSky’s night sky guide

September 3, 2022

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