
Moon near Saturn on November 1

Star chart showing a half-lit moon near Saturn.
Look for the 1st-quarter moon near Saturn after sunset on November 1, 2022. From the Northern Hemisphere, the pair will be in the southern sky. From the Southern Hemisphere, turn the chart upside down or try Stellarium for a precise view from your location. Chart via John Goss/ EarthSky.

See the moon near Saturn

As soon as the sky darkens on November 1, 2022, you’ll be able to spot a first-quarter (half-lit) moon with Saturn nearby. Saturn shines at magnitude 0.6, making it look like the brightest “star” in the vicinity of the moon. By the way, the pair will cross the sky together all evening as Earth turns. Both Saturn and the moon are in the constellation Capricornus the Sea-goat.

The moon rises on November 1 before the sun has set. Plus, if you watch the moon in the hour leading to darkness, you can see earthshine begin to appear on the unlit side as the sky dims. As the light blue sky deepens to a darker shade, Saturn will appear as a bright, yellowish point of light close to the moon. Another bright light far wide to the duo’s east might catch your eye also. As a matter of fact, that brighter point of light is Jupiter, our solar system’s largest planet.

How to enjoy the view

You don’t need to use any magnification to get a good view of the pair. In fact, the duo might make for a nice photo op, framed between trees or above the roof of your house. But if you’d like to turn binoculars or a telescope on them, it will enhance the view. In binoculars you get a better look at Saturn’s golden color, and it will have an oval shape. And a telescope will show the planet’s rings. Looking at the moon in binoculars or a telescope, you can see mountain ridges and crater’s edges along the terminator, or the dividing line between day and night.

Bottom line: On November 1, 2022, you can spot the moon near Saturn after darkness falls. First, you’ll see the moon, and then Saturn will appear in the darkening sky.

For more great observing events in the coming weeks, visit EarthSky’s night sky guide

November 1, 2022

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