Green dragon aurora over Iceland

Do you see the dragon in this green aurora that appeared over Iceland earlier this month? It's an example of what's called pareidolia.

Touchdown marks on asteroid Ryugu

A new image from Japan's Hayabusa-2 spacecraft reveals a large, dark, irregular spot where the craft landed on asteroid Ryugu's surface last week.

Andromeda galaxy via robotic telescope

James Figge of Delmar, New York captured this image on February 23, 2019 - from the comfort of his home - with the Harvard-Smithsonian 6-inch robotic telescope in Arizona.

Rainbow and anticrepuscular rays over English coast

"A delightful rainbow which particularly caught my eye as it framed the anticrepuscular rays on the horizon," said photographer Alec Jones.

Firefall at Yosemite National Park

Around this time of year - if the western horizon stays clear - the last few minutes of daylight fall perfectly on Horsetail Falls, making it glow as if on fire. Photographers call it the firefall ...

See it! Photos of 2019’s biggest supermoon

A selection of photos of the February 18 and 19 full moon - biggest and brightest supermoon of 2019 - from the EarthSky Community.

Plum Tree Blossom Festival in Tokyo

Tokyo's plum trees start blooming when it's still chilly, usually during February. The plum in Japanese culture symbolizes hope and vitality. The blossoms are a sign spring will come!

Cuba meteor seen from the air

On February 1, 2019, a small asteroid - thought to be the size of a van - disintegrated over Viñales, Cuba. Many caught the meteor and its smoke trail from the ground. Cruz María Ruiz caught them from an airplane.

See it! Photos of speedy comet Iwamoto

A selection of EarthSky community photos of a fast-moving, faint comet that came nearest to Earth - 28 million miles away - on February 12.

Milky Way ascending before dawn

This is the time of year when - after a hiatus behind the sun - the center of the Milky Way returns to our sky shortly before sunup.