Milky Way over Taylors Lake, Australia

The Milky Way is coming back into view for another observing season. Australia has a wonderful vantage point for it!

Uluru sunset

Uluru - also known as Ayers Rock - in Northern Territory, Australia, on April 19, 2019.

Moon and Jupiter beam on a lake

The moon passed Jupiter (and Saturn) this week.

Meteor over Colorado

Who saw Lyrid meteors this week? Chuck Mason captured this image on April 20. He said, "Lucky enough to have caught a Lyrid Meteor over the Dallas Divide, Ridgway, Colorado."

Pink sky over Yosemite

Yosemite Valley in California is home to most of the park's famous waterfalls. This photographer caught the valley at dusk.

Don’t miss these sunspot photos

More photos of the magnificent solitary sunspot - AR2738 - that's made its way across the sun's face over the past couple of weeks. Thanks to all in the EarthSky community who contributed photos!

See it! Photos of Venus and Mercury

Mercury and Venus came so close in the morning sky this month that they fitted into a single binocular field. But from Earth's northerly latitudes, Mercury was hard to see! Photos here.

Fogbow over New Mexico

An early morning fogbow over the desert in northern New Mexico.

Moon inside the Winter Circle

Rita Raina captured all the stars in the Winter Circle, as the moon swept through it. She said, "It wasn't easy getting them all in the frame ... but it's done!

Hubble Telescope joins a Messier Marathon

There are 110 Messier objects. They are some of the sky's most beautiful nebulae, star clusters, galaxies, from a list originally published by Charles Messier in 1774. During a Messier Marathon, stargazers with telescopes try to find as many in one night as they can.