A mountain on dwarf planet Ceres

Here's a reconstructed "perspective view" of the tallest mountain on Ceres, which in turn is the largest world in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Earthly astronomers call the mountain Ahuna Mons.

Rare reflection rainbow over Michigan

Between the usual primary and secondary rainbows, you can see a 3rd bow, caused by sunlight reflecting off the water.

Ten million stars

When you see it with your unaided eye, Omega Centauri looks like a fuzzy, faint star. But it is, in fact, a collection of 10 million stars.

Harbor lightning

Summer lightning over a harbor in Tällberg, Sweden.

Morning moon

Photographer Lee Capps captured this week's morning moon from North Carolina. Thanks, Lee!

Apollo 11 launch pad

A satellite image from January 2019 shows launch pad 39A at Cape Canaveral, Florida. From there - on July 16, 1969 - a Saturn V rocket carrying the crew of Apollo 11 launched humanity's historic voyage to the moon.

Cactus blossom near Shimla, India

Contributed by our friend Swami Krishnananda, a photo essay of a walk up a hillside near Shimla, India, closer and closer to a cactus blossom, with thoughts on impermanence.

Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds over Nova Scotia

Photographer Tanvi Javkar spotted Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds spread across the sky on June 28, 2019, in Nova Scotia.

Rare lava lake seen from space

Satellite images confirm that this rare lava lake is a continuous feature at the top of Mount Michael, in the South Atlantic's South Sandwich Islands. The temperature of the molten lava is some 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit).

Changing eclipse shadow in La Serena, Chile

This series of photos from Eliot Herman shows the progress of the moon's shadow during the July 2, 2019, total solar eclipse in Chile.