Favorite photos from 2020’s Perseid meteor shower

Have you caught any Perseid meteors? If so, share your photos with us! If your skies have been cloudy, enjoy these great meteor photos from EarthSky friends around the world.

Hello, sunrise!

First sunrise in 4 months at Concordia Research Station in Antarctica, about 1,000 miles (1,600 km) from the geographic south pole.

Sometimes Island on Lake Travis

Known as the Sometimes Islands in Lake Travis, this strange string of islets appears and disappears from the water’s surface...

Not a rainbow, not an iridescent cloud

There are many colored arcs in the sky. This photographer captured one commonly seen in summer, when the sun is high in the sky.

See it! This weekend’s moon and Mars

Mars is getting exciting - bright now, and very red - and heading toward more brightness and more intense color by October. This past weekend, the moon and Mars were close. Photos here.

Comet NEOWISE and globular star cluster M53

Comet NEOWISE is now heading out of the inner solar system. It probably can't be seen with the eye now, although large binoculars can still pick it up. Here's a beautiful telescopic image of the comet, near the globular star cluster M53.

It’s time to watch a meteor shower

Every year at this time, people around the world begin to experience a grand display of meteors. Bookmark this post! We'll be posting new meteor photos from our community of meteor-watchers in 2020 here.

An evening storm, and a morning storm

Two beautiful images from the EarthSky community, showing early August 2020 storms in the U.S. Midwest.

LIDAR over Antarctica

A laser shoots into the sky to study the atmosphere at Concordia research station in Antarctica.

Comet NEOWISE’s tails

What is creating the structure in Comet NEOWISE's 2 tails?