Photos of the last full moon of the year and decade

Photographers around the world are sharing their pics of the last full moon of 2020 and this decade, which occurred on December 29 or 30, depending on your location.

Your photos of 2020’s historic Jupiter-Saturn conjunction

Jupiter and Saturn's great conjunction - where they appeared exceedingly close on the sky's dome - was December 21. Thank you to EarthSky community members from around the world who captured photos!

Favorite photos of 2020’s Geminid meteor shower

EarthSky community members from around the world share their photos and experiences of this year's Geminid meteor shower, here.

The moon’s shadow on Earth yesterday

During a total solar eclipse, the moon's shadow sweeps across Earth. Those in the shadow's path see the total eclipse. Those outside the path of the shadow may see varying stages of a partial eclipse.

Favorite photos: December 2020’s waning moon and Venus

A few of our favorite images of the waning crescent moon and dazzling planet Venus in the early-morning sky.

Woodpecker’s winter stash

Acorn woodpeckers can be found in the North American West, and in Mexico and Central America. They harvest acorns directly from oak trees, then store the nuts in individually drilled holes in one or more trees, known as "granaries." A single tree may be carrying 50,000 stored nuts!

Gaia’s 3rd data release, in numbers

The much-anticipated 3rd data release from the Gaia space observatory happened today.

Monster sunspot AR2786 swings into better view

The sun is becoming active again as it enters Solar Cycle 25. This week, scientists' predictions of sunspots were proven via photos from astronomers around the world. Giant sunspot AR2786 can be viewed with proper filters and may create strong flares that reach Earth.

November 23 moon and ISS

The International Space Station orbits the Earth every 90 minutes To the eye alone, it looks like a bright, moving star. Various online tools can help you capture its fleeting pass in front of the moon or sun.

Photos of 2020’s Leonid meteor shower

EarthSky Community members around the world are sharing their photos of this year's Leonid meteor shower. Beautiful! Thanks to all who contributed.