Today’s image comes from nature photographer Max Seigal, who captured it along the rim of Black Canyon in Colorado’s Gunnison National Park. Max told EarthSky how he created this image:
I saw this tree while hiking and knew that it would be perfect for a light orb shot at night given its unique curve in the trunk. I set out around 1 a.m. to hike back to this tree (which wasn’t nearly as easy to find in the pitch black of night) and when I arrived I set up my camera gear in the orientation I wanted. Next, I tied a flashlight to a string – this is how I created the orb affect. After opening the shutter, I ran across to the base of the tree, turned on the flashlight and swing it round and round with the string that it was attached to. It takes a lot of practice to get good looking orbs, but it’s an absolute blast and I would highly recommend it for anyone who’s trying to get an artistic look to their night photographs!
Thanks so much, Max, for sharing this cool shot!