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Comet ATLAS G3 in the sunset’s glow: Pics here!

A sunset sky and a bright comet with a long tail that fans out.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Marco Nero in Sydney, Australia, captured Comet ATLAS G3 on January 22, 2025. Marco wrote: “This single exposure of just 6 seconds was taken at a lookout platform with nearly 35 other photographers behind me. The appearance of a venomous snake at our feet spooked a few into leaving before sunset, but the experience was magnificent as the ‘Dead Comet’ put on quite a show. It was clearly visible to the unaided eye as a silvery streak in the sky … and showed up clearly on everyone’s camera LCDs as it approached the horizon.” Thank you, Marco!

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Pics of Comet ATLAS G3 here!

Comet ATLAS G3 is now putting on its best show for those in the Southern Hemisphere. And it may have disintegrated! New reports say it’s a headless comet. Find out more about the comet here. And check out the photos we’ve received of Comet ATLAS G3 below.

Orange fading to deep blue sunset sky over silhouetted hills, and a comet in the sky.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Elke Schulz captured Comet ATLAS G3 from Rio Hurtado, Chile, on January 18, 2025. Elke wrote: “I took this image at the Obstech El Sauce Observatory in Río Hurtado, just a few meters from the ATLAS telescope that discovered this comet on April 5, 2024.” Thank you, Elke!
Comet in a twilit sky above the top of an evergreen tree and a telephone pole.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Helio C. Vital in Saquarema, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, captured this image of Comet ATLAS on January 18, 2025. Helio wrote: “I could easily follow it setting, down to a mere 3.8 degrees over the western horizon. Great view at binoculars, with tail structure clearly visible, over 1 degree long.” Thank you, Helio!
Orange sunset sky into black with a faint comet plus an inset showing it better.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Samit Saha in Bidada, Gujarat, India, caught Comet ATLAS on January 17, 2025. Samit wrote: “Although it wasn’t a bright object, its presence was unmistakable.” Thank you, Samit!
Late, dark sunset sky, with comet seen at center just above a line of silhouetted trees.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | John Paul Pile in San Rafael, Bulacan, Philippines, caught the comet on January 17, 2025. John Paul wrote: “This is the 3rd comet I’ve seen with the unaided eye in just 10 months, and I’m amazed by this one because, although small, it’s incredibly bright!” Thank you, John Paul!

Comet ATLAS G3

Dark blue twilight sky with the comet barely above a dark, forested hillside.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Kirtzel Ronald Prado in Davao City, Philippines, caught this image on January 17, 2025. Kirtzel wrote: “I was able to image the anticipated comet of 2025, Comet C/2024 G3 ATLAS over the foot of the Philippines’ highest mountain, Mount Apo. It is now visible with the unaided eye in the western sky, a few minutes after sunset.” Thank you, Kirtzel!
Comet in a pink twilight sky with some dark shredded clouds, seen past a wooded hill and power pylons.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | David Rojas captured this image of Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3 from Guatemala on Thursday, January 16, 2025. David wrote: “Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3 at dusk, before setting on the western horizon south of Guatemala City. A bright tail and nucleus are visible through the camera in contrast to the color of the sky.” Thank you, David!
Deep orange-brown hazy sunset sky with dim comet at center over a big hill.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Daniel Nugent caught this image over over Slangkop, Cape Town, South Africa, on January 16, 2025. Thank you, Daniel!

Comet photos from around the world

Comet in a deep slate blue sky, with labels.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Eneida Pereira in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil, caught Comet ATLAS on January 16, 2025. Thank you, Eneida!
Twilight scene with a pink sky over a forest, faint comet and a plane.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Fefo Bouvier caught the comet from Colonia del Sacramento, Colonia, Uruguay, on January 15, 2025. Fefo wrote: “While composing the shot, a plane entered the frame. I decided to capture the moment as it naturally draws attention to the area where the comet is positioned.” Thank you, Fefo!
Deep orange sunset sky with inset showing comet, with labels.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Tony Alonso in Sewanee, Tennessee, caught Comet ATLAS on January 15, 2025. Thanks, Tony!

More comet pics

A twilight scene with bare trees and some clouds and a nearly invisible comet circled and labeled in red.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Christine Frawley in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts, captured Comet ATLAS G3 on January 14, 2025. Christine wrote: “The comet was not visible to the eye. I researched where the comet should be based on the time of day, after sunset. I took many photos to catch the comet.” Thank you, Christine!
Comet ATLAS: Blue sky with a fuzzy white dot with a faint, short tail at center.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Steven Bellavia in Smithfield, Virginia, caught Comet ATLAS G3 on January 15, 2025. Steven wrote: “I am excited to have been able to see (on the screen) and capture Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) in the daytime.” Thank you, Steven!

More pics of the comet

Gradient of deep pink to deep purple-black with a very faint whitish comet shape near top.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Filipp Romanov captured Comet ATLAS G3 from Yuzhno-Morskoy, Nakhodka, Russia, on January 15, 2025. Thank you, Filipp! Can you spot it near the center of the pink shading?
Orangish sunset with red arrow and inverted view with blue background and black comet.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Eliot Herman in Tucson, Arizona, captured Comet ATLAS G3 on January 14, 2025. Eliot wrote: “This one was not easy to spot, knowing where to look in the dusty sunset of Tucson helped some. I thought I could just barely see it flash in and out of my vision staring at the spot.” Thank you, Eliot!

Watch a video!

Watch a video of the best community photos of Comet ATLAS G3 here!

Did you get a good image of Comet ATLAS G3? Submit it to us!

Bottom line: Comet ATLAS G3 is near the sun just after sunset until about January 20 for those in the Northern Hemisphere. Here are some of the first pics of the comet!

January 21, 2025
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