
ULA launch of 100th national security mission July 30, 2024

ULA launch of 100th national security mission

At 6:45 a.m. EDT (10:45 UTC) on July 30, 2024, a United Launch Alliance (ULA) rocket lifted off from Florida on its 100th national security mission. ULA’s Atlas V rocket carried the USSF-51 mission for the United States Space Force’s Space Systems Command into space. This is the final top secret launch for the Atlas V rocket. ULA will continue to use the Atlas V rocket with 15 more commercial and non-defense missions coming up, including crewed launches. Meanwhile, it’s also working on certification of the new Vulcan rocket. Vulcan’s last certification flight was in January.

On January 8, 2024, a Vulcan rocket launched the Peregrine lunar lander from Astrobotic into space. The launch itself was a success, as well as the separation from the Vulcan rocket. But the payload – Peregrine – developed a leak and crashed back to Earth.

That was the inaugural liftoff for Vulcan. The Space Force has a growing backlog of military missions awaiting Vulcan’s certification. Eventually, a Vulcan rocket will also launch Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser space plane sometime in 2025.

The bottom of a rocket with flames pouring out and smoke starting to billow up.
On July 30, 2024, a ULA launch of an Atlas V rocket with a national security mission took off from the launchpad at Space Launch Complex 41 in Florida. Images via Greg Diesel Walck. Exclusive to EarthSky.

More images from the launchpad

Greg Diesel Walck was at Cape Canaveral on Tuesday morning as the Atlas V roared into space. Here are some of the images he took exclusively for EarthSky.

From a distance across water, a rocket with flames below launches upward.
This was the 100th and final national security mission for ULA launching government payloads to space. Image via Greg Diesel Walck. Exclusive to EarthSky.
A rocket heading upward with flames and smoke below.
Another shot of ULA’s Atlas V rocket carrying a United States Space Force payload into space on July 30, 2024, from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Image via Greg Diesel Walck. Exclusive to EarthSky.
White rocket nosecone and payload with part of rocket extending below still on the launchpad.
A closeup of the U.S. Space Force payload and Atlas V rocket from the launchpad at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Image via Greg Diesel Walck. Exclusive to EarthSky.
A horizon glowing with the coming sunrise and a plume of smoke heading upward into blue skies, turning white higher in the air.
The plume left behind by the Atlas V rocket just before sunrise on July 30, 2024, in Florida. Note the moon just above the rocket trail. Image via Greg Diesel Walck. Exclusive to EarthSky.

Bottom line: On July 30, 2024, the ULA launch of an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, was its 100th and final national security launch. Find out what’s next for the company.

July 30, 2024

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