Ride along with Juno past Ganymede and Jupiter

Ride along with Juno, as the spacecraft sweeps past Jupiter and its largest moon Ganymede. Gorgeous video from Juno, which has orbited Jupiter since 2016.

SpaceX’s Elon Musk to visit space … with Virgin Galactic?

As Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson and Blue Origin’s Jeff Bezos race into space, a third billionaire pursues space tourism: Elon Musk. He’s reserved a seat to fly with Virgin Galactic.

The billionaire space race and the Karman line

The billionaire space race ramped up at Richard Branson's successful flight to the edge of space on July 11, 2021, as 2 spaceflight companies jostled for bragging rights.

Moons of rogue planets could have water and life

A new study from scientists at LMU in Germany says that there could be enough heat and liquid water on moons of rogue planets - free-floating worlds with no suns - to support life. Cosmic rays could drive processes such as photosynthesis, instead of direct sunlight.

Astronomers find 100 black holes in Palomar 5

Scientists discovered that Palomar 5 has a large proportion of black holes and will one day lose all its stars and be made entirely of black holes.

Are Earth-like biospheres rare?

A new study from researchers at the University of Naples in Italy suggests that highly-evolved, Earth-like biospheres may be rare on exoplanets. Many stars either don't emit enough energy for life to develop past the basic photosynthesis stage or don't live long enough for life to evolve on any planets that may otherwise be suitable.

Final shuttle mission to replay live on 10th anniversary

The final shuttle mission - a flight of space shuttle Atlantis - launched on July 8, 2011. Watch a live replay.

Mini-Neptune’s atmosphere ripe for study

A newly-discovered mini-Neptune's atmosphere is ideal for study by space telescopes.

Finally, an electron-capture supernova

"We started by asking ‘what’s this weirdo?’ the astronomers said. Now they recognize SN 2018zd as an electron-capture supernova.

Tiangong: China’s new space station. What to expect

Astronauts performed the first space walk on Tiangong, China's new space station, on July 4, 2021. They are now preparing it to be inhabited by future crews.