Satellites versus stars: Which will dominate the sky?

In the battle of satellites versus stars, the motion of constellations of satellites will draw the eye and drown out the quiet background stars.

Mars’ small size limited its habitability

Mars was once a wet and habitable world, so what happened to change that? According to a new study from Washington University in St. Louis, Mars' small size is likely to blame for why it lost most of its water and atmosphere.

Sounds of space: Jingle, pluck and hum

Hear the sounds of space. The videos in this post are what happens when scientists turn astronomical data into sound, via a process called sonification.

Martian super volcanoes lasted millions of years

NASA scientists say that there were once thousands of volcanic eruptions on Mars. These explosive blasts, in the northern Arabia Terra region, were "super eruptions," the largest and most powerful kind known. The intense activity continued for about 500 million years, about four billion years ago.

Auroral tails for Jupiter’s moons

The Juno spacecraft observed footprint tails of aurora on Jupiter’s atmosphere. Three of Jupiter’s closest large moons create these auroral tails.

Futuristic space concrete uses astronauts’ blood

Scientists in the U.K. have developed a kind of "space concrete" using dust and human blood that could be used for future human habitats on Mars or the moon.

Asteroid 2021 SG came from the sun’s direction

Asteroid 2021 SG - 4 times the diameter of 2013's Chelyabinsk meteor - passed near Earth without being previously detected on September 16, 2021.

U.S. and China: Cooperation or competition in space?

Between the U.S. and China: Will it be collaboration or competition that defines international space science and exploration in the 21st century?

Planets are born in cosmic organic soups

Astronomers have found that planets form in cosmic soups of organic molecules. These soups have different ingredients, leading to a wide diversity of planets.

Sex in space: Time to talk about it?

Sex in space has been a taboo subject for decades. But, these authors point out, it'll be necessary for the survival of the human race.