2 old open star clusters merging in the Milky Way

An astronomer in Brazil has looked toward a known open star cluster and found 2 old open star clusters, merging in our Milky Way galaxy.

Where are the water worlds? New tool to find out

Where are the water worlds? Since water means life (as we know it), scientists studying exoplanets want to know. A new tool might help find them.

Super-Earth, mini-Neptune or sub-Neptune?

The exoplanet community hasn't yet converged on the best name for exoplanets that are 1.7 - 3.5 Earth-radii. Super-Earth, mini-Neptune, sub-Neptune?

Hello, Mercury! BepiColombo speeds by

Hello, Mercury! BepiColombo is a Mercury mission, due to arrive in earnest in December, 2025. Along the way, it needs help to get there.

Circumtriple planet suspected: a planet orbiting 3 stars

Scientists believe a planet (or more) orbits the triple star system GW Orionis. This would be the first circumtriple planet discovered.

Landsat: 5 decades of imagery and data

The Landsat program, the longest space-based record of Earth’s surface, helps policy makers make decisions about our resources and environment.

Daylight fireball tracked to Earth

Scientists tracked a daylight fireball to Earth using images from video of the event that occurred over countries near the Adriatic Sea.

Great Red Spot winds accelerating on Jupiter

Data from the Hubble Space Telescope shows that the Great Red Spot winds have been increasing on Jupiter over the past decade.

Mushballs explain missing ammonia on ice giants

Giant slushy hailstones called mushballs explain missing ammonia in the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune. They carry the gas down far too deep to be detected.

Satellites versus stars: Which will dominate the sky?

In the battle of satellites versus stars, the motion of constellations of satellites will draw the eye and drown out the quiet background stars.