Watch the Progress 79 cargo launch October 27

On October 27, 2021, Russia’s uncrewed Progress 79 cargo craft will launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Here’s how to watch.

See 42 of the largest asteroids in new images

Astronomers with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have obtained new and more detailed images of 42 of the largest asteroids in the main asteroid belt.

Small galaxy consumes an even smaller galaxy

Scientists found evidence that a small galaxy - the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite of the Milky Way - has eaten an even smaller galaxy.

White dwarf star abruptly switches on and off

Astronomers have witnessed a white dwarf switching on and off - or going from a bright to dim stage and back - over a period of just 30 minutes.

October deep sky: Nebulae and more

The October deep sky holds gems such as the Helix Nebula in Aquarius. You can spot the Helix Nebula in binoculars or a telescope on October evenings.

Moon-forming disk around super-Jupiter exoplanet?

Astronomers say that there may be moons being created in a moon-forming disk of dust around a giant super-Jupiter planet (or brown dwarf) 500 light-years away.

Earth in a tunnel? Decades-old mystery unfolds

A new astrophysical model connects local structures in our neighborhood of the Milky Way and depicts Earth in a tunnel in space.

Solar system’s future seen: 1st planet around a white dwarf

Scientists got a peek at the solar system's future when they found a gas giant planet orbiting a white dwarf. One day the sun will die and become a white dwarf.

Weird radio waves from the heart of the Milky Way

An international team of astronomers has detected weird radio waves coming from the heart of the Milky Way. They are unlike any found before, and may originate from a new type of cosmic object.

Virtual reality universe unveiled

Researchers have amassed terabytes of data from a slew of telescopes to create the Virtual Reality Universe Project, a map of our cosmos.