Asteroid 2022 AE1 poses no danger to Earth

Newly discovered Asteroid 2022 AE1 was temporarily at level 1 on the Torino scale. Now it's off the list entirely. Why? Why didn't astronomers know?.

Webb has successfully arrived at L2!

Webb arrived safely at L2 on Monday, January 24, 2022. It is ready for its testing phase before scientific operations begin this summer.

Rugby ball-shaped exoplanet surprises astronomers

New observations from an international team of astronomers have revealed a giant rugby ball-shaped exoplanet. It is the first such deformed exoplanet seen.

Voyager 2 met Uranus on January 24, 1986

Voyager 2 met Uranus on January 24, 1986. The spacecraft sent data that revealed 2 new rings, 10 new moons, radiation belts, and a very unusual magnetic field.

Webb set to arrive at its final destination, L2

The James Webb Space Telescope launched December 25, 2021. It successfully unfolded and is on its way to L2, where it will begin its science mission.

Black holes devour stars. Do they also help stars form?

New data from the heart of dwarf galaxy Henize 2-10 suggest some black holes help create stars. They also bring light on how the first supermassive black holes formed.

Scientists find carbon-12, life’s most crucial isotope, on Mars

Scientists have discovered rock samples from Mars that are enriched in carbon-12, an isotope that is crucial to life on Earth.

Watch 2022’s 1st spacewalk on January 19

On Wednesday, two Russian cosmonauts will venture outside the International Space Station to kick off 2022's 1st spacewalk. Here's how to watch it live.

Photos and video of huge asteroid 1994 PC1. It passed Earth safely January 18

Huge asteroid - Asteroid 1994 PC1 - safely passed Earth on January 18, 2022. At its closest, it was 5 times farther than the moon. Video and photos here.

A gravitational wave background from giant black holes?

In its second data release in early January 2022, scientists with IPTA announced early glimpses of a gravitational wave background.