Why are Uranus and Neptune different colors?

A new study shows that Uranus and Neptune are different shades of blue due to a layer of excessive haze on Uranus. This makes its atmosphere look lighter.

Slow-spinning neutron star: A new class of object?

Slow-spinning neutron star PSR J0941-4046, sending out unusual radio waves, challenges our understanding of how neutron stars are born and evolve.

Planetary defense exercise: This was only a test

As a planetary defense exercise, scientists used a recent approach of Apophis as a test to see how quickly they could track and identify a hazardous asteroid.

Blue Origin’s NS-21 space tourism launch: Watch here June 4

Watch the launch of Blue Origin's NS-21 mission featuring the youngest-ever American woman to go to space - here.

Could homeless aliens hitch a ride on rogue planets?

An astronomer explains how homeless aliens might hitch a ride on rogue planets, to travel through interstellar space and colonize new planetary systems.

Can binary-star planets support life?

A new study examines whether binary-star planets - planets orbiting 2 suns - can harbor life.

Hot, rocky exoplanets among Webb’s 1st targets

Two of the Webb telescope's 1st science targets will be hot, rocky exoplanets within 50 light-years of Earth: 55 Cancri e and LHS 3844 b.

Fate of SpaceX Starbase in Boca Chica … soon

The SpaceX Starbase in Texas has been waiting - and waiting - for an environmental assessment. The FAA says we'll have it in 2 weeks.

Westerlund 1: Our galaxy’s most massive young star cluster

Scientists have gotten a better look at Westerlund 1, the most massive cluster in the galaxy. They learned more about its size and distance.

Fire and ice: Moon water from ancient volcanoes?

A new study suggests that astronauts may one day drink moon water from ancient volcanoes. The water might exist as layers of ice beneath the surface.