Alien technology might signal extraterrestrial life

Our technology – from cell towers to fluorescent light bulbs – could signal the presence of life. Can we find life in the universe from alien technologies?

Did life on Mars cause its own extinction?

Life on Mars may have initially thrived early on, but then ultimately caused its own extinction, a new study from researchers in the U.S. and France says.

New sun-hugging asteroids: ‘Biggest in 8 years’

Using a special camera, astronomers have found several new sun-hugging asteroids, including the biggest potentially hazardous asteroid in 8 years.

Launches: SpaceX Starlink launches for October

SpaceX's most recent Starlink launch took flight from California at 01:14 UTC on October 28, 2022. Watch a recorded livestream and learn more here.

Crash landing on Mars … on purpose

NASA has successfully tested a new Mars lander concept called SHIELD, which is specifically designed for intentionally crash landing on Mars.

Was Mars a blue water world before Earth?

Researchers say that early Mars likely had a thick hydrogen atmosphere that allowed water to exist for millions of years, even before Earth had oceans.

Secrets of Saturn’s rings revealed by the sun

A new study uses solar occultation data from NASA's Cassini mission to better understand the composition, formation and other secrets of Saturn's rings.

Super-fast jet blasts from neutron star collision

Astronomers discovered and measured a super-fast jet, thought to be the result of 2 neutron stars colliding. The jet is moving at 99.97% the speed of light!

1st photo of Earth from space, 76 years ago

On October 24, 1946 - 76 years ago tomorrow - a movie camera on board a V-2 rocket captured the first-ever photo of Earth from space.

Liquid water on Mars beneath polar ice?

Is there liquid water on Mars? A new international study supports the initial reported discovery in 2018 of water beneath Mars' south polar ice cap.