Winter wonderland on Mars

NASA captured fascinating images of the winter wonderland on Mars. When Mars thaws in the spring, the ice takes on new shapes and results in erupting geysers.

2 alien water worlds with oceans 500 times deeper than Earth’s

An international team of astronomers says that 2 exoplanets 218 light-years away are true water worlds, with global oceans 500 times deeper than Earth's oceans.

Celestial fireworks from supernova explosion

A new Hubble image shows celestial fireworks from supernova remnant DEM L 190. The supernova remnant resembles the smoke and streamers of summer fireworks.

2 possibly Earth-like worlds, just 16 light-years away

An international team of astronomers has discovered 2 of the closest potentially Earth-like worlds so far, less than 16 light-years from Earth.

NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge for 2023

You can join NASA's Astrophoto Challenge for winter 2023. The target is the Eagle Nebula's Pillars of Creation. Learn more here.

Hear a dust devil on Mars for the 1st time

For the 1st time ever, a rover has recorded the sound of a dust devil on Mars, a mini-tornado of dust and grit. Listen to it here!

InSight falls silent, NASA declares mission end

NASA’s InSight falls silent and then failed to communicate. So, NASA declared the InSight mission over. InSight revealed secrets about the interior of Mars.

Mars calendar year begins December 26

Mars calendar year 37 begins on December 26, 2022. If you’re looking for a reason to celebrate, here’s to a Happy New Year ... on Mars.

Top 10 stories of 2022 from EarthSky

The top 10 stories of 2022 is a review of what we’ve learned in the past year from our home planet, Earth, out to the vast universe. See the top 10 here.

Biggest marsquake detected is record-breaker

Researchers released new details about the largest marsquake recorded so far. At magnitude 4.7, it was 5 times stronger than the previous largest known quake.