How galaxies evolve in the cosmic web

Galaxies in thread-like filaments within the cosmic web have a much higher chance of actively forming stars. So galaxy evolution was accelerated in the filaments.

Relentless blitz of small space rocks erased much of Earth’s primordial atmosphere

The inevitable question arises: What replaced the atmosphere? It's possible the same impactors that ejected the atmosphere also introduced new gases.

Super-Earth transit detected from the ground

The astronomers say their technique should let others make ground-based characterizations of dozens of super-Earths, expected to be found in space surveys.

What happened when the comet swept past Mars

The story you've been waiting for. The spacecraft images are fascinating, and the details of Comet Siding Spring's exceedingly close pass of Mars might surprise you.

Using supermassive black holes to measure cosmic distances

"Eye of Sauron" is a nickname for an active supermassive black hole at the core of a distant galaxy. Researchers measured its distance at 62 million light-years.

Video: Astrophysicists discuss the film Interstellar

Black holes, worm holes, exoplanets, time dilation. Three astrophysicists discuss them all in a presentation of the science behind the film Interstellar.

Earth has its own Star-Trek-like invisible shield

Scientists studying Earth's Van Allen belts have found an invisible shield that blocks ultrafast electrons from moving deeper into Earth’s atmosphere.

Video: Young volcanos on the moon

Scientists have long thought the moon's volcanos stopped erupting a billion years ago. But dotting the lunar landscape are some remarkably fresh volcanic features.

Study says gravity and Higgs boson interacted to save the universe

One second after the Big Bang, the Higgs boson should have caused a Big Crunch, collapsing the universe to nothing. But gravity saved the day.

Ten things you might not know about space

Ten oddities and misconceptions about space that you may -- or may not -- have heard before.