Seasons are changing on Rosetta’s comet

Two photos from the Rosetta spacecraft – one from last November, and one from a few days ago – show a comet’s seasons changing.

Is our Milky Way a wormhole?

In theory, our home galaxy Milky Way could be a wormhole - a galactic transport system - says a team of astrophysicists.

Friday night’s rare triple shadow transit of Jupiter

Three moon shadows at once on Jupiter Friday night! It won't happen again for U.S. observers until the year 2032. You can also watch online.

Venus vortex!

This ghostly puff of smoke is actually a huge mass of swirling gas and cloud at planet Venus’ south pole, as seen by ESA’s Venus Express spacecraft.

Ceres’ mysterious white spot seen in new Dawn image

Dawn spacecraft now closing in on dwarf planet Ceres. Image is for navigation purposes; next one due late January. And what is that white spot, anyway?

Video: Fly through the largest picture ever taken

Fly-through video of the largest image ever taken, of the Andromeda galaxy, nearest spiral galaxy to our Milky Way. Prepare to feel small!

Video: Superstar Eta Carinae

Eta Carinae is a double system containing the most luminous and massive star within 10,000 light-years.

NASA’s sounds are now on SoundCloud

It's very cool. Hear the sounds of space exploration history!

Cosmic radio burst caught in the act

Astronomers announced this week that - for the first time - they have observed a so-called 'fast radio burst' in real time.

Found! Mars orbiter locates lost 2003 Beagle lander

The Beagle 2 Lander, built by the U.K., and thought lost on Mars since 2003, has now been found in images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.