Water abundant in first billion years after Big Bang?

Water vapor could have been just as abundant in pockets of space a billion years after the Big Bang as it is today, according to new research.

MESSENGER ends mission, crashes into Mercury

Mission control confirmed end of operations at 3:40 p.m. EDT (1934 UTC), when no signal was detected by NASA’s Deep Space Network station at Goldstone.

Latest New Horizons images of Pluto

There may be an ice cap at Pluto's pole, as seen in the most recent images from the New Horizons spacecraft, now only 11 weeks from its historic flyby on July 14.

Russian cargo craft launched Tuesday, spinning out of control

Unpiloted craft carries 6,000 pounds of food, fuel, and supplies for International Space Station. Thursday's rendezvous with ISS cancelled. The cargo craft may be lost.

Dancing tendrils on sun’s northeast limb

Where heliophysics meets art. Video acquired April 24 and 25, 2015.

Names needed in 20 distant solar systems

Deadline for submissions in the NameExoWorlds contest is June 15, 2015. Fifteen stars and 32 planets (47 objects total) in 20 solar systems available for naming.

Fly through Hubble’s 25th anniversary image

Fly through the Hubble Space Telescope's 25th anniversary image of star cluster Westerlund 2 in 3-D!

NASA creates NExSS for life search

A new NASA collaboration will use a systems science approach - looking at the big picture, cutting across different scientific disciplines - to seek alien life.

First visible light spectrum from exoplanet

Why are astronomers excited about the first directly obtained visible light spectrum - or rainbow array of visible colors - bounced from the surface of an exoplanet?

Ceres’ bright spots back in view

Dawn spacecraft has reacquired images of Spot 5, the mysterious bright double feature on the dwarf planet Ceres. The bright spots look ... as strange as ever.