Pulsar punches hole in stellar disk

Two stars in a double system are not playing nice. One star, a pulsar, has punched a hole in the disk of the other, sending debris outward at 7% of light speed!

Kepler-452b is older, bigger Earth cousin

The Kepler mission has confirmed the first near-Earth-size planet in the habitable zone - or zone where liquid water can exist - around a sunlike star.

What black holes like to eat

Astronomers have caught a monster black hole in the act of eating a star. But, they say, stars are not standard fare for black holes.

More ice mountains in Pluto’s heart

A second range of ice mountains has been found on Pluto, in images from New Horizons.

Closest views yet of Nix and Hydra

Pluto has five known moons, and it's a bit surprising that New Horizons hasn't found any new ones yet. Newly released images show small moons Nix and Hydra.

Philae comet lander falls silent

The Rosetta team is hoping that a software patch will help re-establish reliable contact with the little Philae lander, lodged somewhere on the comet's surface.

Unprecedented $100 million to SETI

Breakthrough Listen initiative, announced Monday, will scan the nearest million stars, plus stars in 100 other galaxies, for signs of an advanced civilization.

Intelligent life in the universe?

Scientific arguments suggest that alien civilizations should be common in our galaxy. If so, where is everybody? That question is known as the Fermi paradox.

Mountain with a moat on Charon

Latest image release from New Horizons team shows Pluto's moon Charon a strange mountain rising out of a depression. They're calling it a “mountain in a moat.”

Update on mission to asteroid Bennu

NASA's OSIRIS-Rex mission is on target for a 2016 launch to near-Earth asteroid Bennu. It will reach Bennu in 2018 and return samples to Earth in 2023.