What the Philae comet lander found

Philae data suggest that organic compounds - which eventually translated into living organisms here on Earth - existed in the early solar system.

A third of Milky Way stars have changed orbit

Astronomers have created a new map of the Milky Way that shows that about 30 percent of the stars have traveled a long way from the orbits they were born with.

Seeing the star with nearest rocky planet

How you can see the star HD219134, announced last week to have the nearest rocky exoplanet. Plus ... the star's proper motion, captured by an amateur astronomer.

First maps of Charon and Pluto

Many features on Charon informally named from science fiction, particularly Star Trek and Star Wars. Lord of the Rings, Stanley Kubrick also honored.

Found! First aurora beyond solar system

Found on a brown dwarf some 18 light-years away, this aurora is 10,000 times more powerful than any astronomers have witnessed before.

New names and insights about Ceres

The Dawn spacecraft is now moving to its third mapping orbit. Nothing new on the bright spots yet, but the crater that contains them has a new name: Occator.

Video: Summer Blue Moon

On July 31, the moon becomes full for the second time this month. Modern folklore says the second full moon is a Blue Moon. New video from NASA.

Tiny, but still densest known galaxies

Smaller in width than our Milky Way, their stars are packed 10,000 to a million times more densely than in our sun's neighborhood. Imagine the night sky!

Latest images of Pluto’s flowing ice

Latest images from NASA's July 14, 2015 flyby of Pluto by the New Horizons spacecraft, showing evidence of an active surface on Pluto with flowing nitrogen ice.

Infographic: Pluto!

Pluto info at a glance, from our friends at space-facts.com.