New Cassini images of Enceladus

Images from last week's flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus, one of three planned for this month ... the final close flybys of Enceladus with the Cassini spacecraft.

Hubble captures changes in Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

High-resolution maps and spinning globes reveal an elusive wave and changes to Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.

Close encounters with Enceladus begin today

The flybys are part of a series of "lasts" for Cassini, whose mission to Saturn ends next year. Last chance for many years to see new up-close views of this fascinating, geologically active Saturn moon.

Galaxy halos more common than thought

Astronomers studied 35 galaxies with a newly upgraded radio telescope in New Mexico to learn more about galactic halos. This study confirms a 1961 prediction.

Two very different Saturn moons

One moon is small and irregular, and the other is larger and round. These two moons typify the sorts of objects you see throughout our solar system.

October 13 to November 11: Longest lunar month of 2015

Longest lunar month of 2015 starts with the October 13 new moon and ends with the November 11 new moon. Learn about the varying lengths of lunar months, here.

New images of Pluto’s moon Charon

Images released Friday, October 9. New Horizons acquired them when it swept past the Pluto system on July 14. The spacecraft's data are still being returned.

Mars Curiosity rover sends a postcard

If you want to imagine standing on the surface of the Red Planet Mars ... look at this.

Mysterious ripples race across planet-forming disk

Astronomers have found fast-moving wave-like features - ripples - in the dusty disk surrounding a young star. Nothing like this was ever observed or predicted.

Where to look for ET life? Habitability index aids in the search

Powerful telescopes coming soon. Where shall we point them to find extraterrestrial life? Astronomers have created a way to help prioritize exoplanets.