Zoom to super luminous Milky Way stars

New Hubble Space Telescope video zooms in on Trumpler 14, a young cluster of hot, massive, bright stars - some of the most luminous stars in our Milky Way galaxy!

Are the aliens extinct?

Australian astrobiologists say an early Armageddon on most distant worlds makes advanced lifeforms unlikely. If true, our Milky Way galaxy is a lonely place.

EarthSky News with Deborah Byrd

All the news you can fit into outer space LIVE on Slooh.com Mondays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. ET (1530 UTC). Or watch right here!

Cascade of magnetic arches on sun

Take 15 seconds to watch glowing magnetic arches cascade across the solar surface, captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Solid evidence for a 9th planet

If it exists, the 9th planet has 10 times the mass of Earth - orbits 20 times farther from the sun than Neptune - and takes 20,000 years to orbit the sun once.

Flower blooms in space

Here it is! A flower grown on the International Space station blooms.

Constellation named for David Bowie?

MIRA Public Observatory and Studio Brussels say they have 'registered a constellation' named for the late, beloved rock musician. Hmm, says astronomer Guy Ottewell.

Milky Way’s second-largest black hole?

Astronomers are calling it a possible first detection of an intermediate-mass black hole, a missing link in black hole evolution.

EarthSky News with Deborah Byrd

All the news you can fit into outer space LIVE on Slooh.com Mondays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. ET (1530 UTC). Or watch right here!

Record-shattering super supernova

The supernova was as bright as 570 billion of our suns and some 20 times as luminous as the entire output of the 100 billion stars of our Milky Way galaxy.