Space gardening

Future space outpost dwellers will need to grow plants for food and to recycle air and water. Here's what scientists are learning about space farming from plants grown on the ISS.

Elon Musk’s Mars manifesto

What if the cost of going to Mars as a colonist were less than US $200,000, or about the median cost of a house in the U.S.? Would you go? Elon Musk thinks many would.

Did our sun have a twin?

A new analysis suggests the likely answer is yes — though not an identical twin. And so did every other sunlike star.

Galaxies have aligned for 10 billion years

Most galaxies are randomly oriented in space, but the biggest ones often point toward their neighbors. A new study traces these alignments back into the early universe.

Amazing views of waltzing nearby stars

Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope to follow the 2 brown dwarfs in the Luhman 16AB system, as they move both across the sky and around each other.

Dwarf star bends light, confirms Einstein

Awesome observation! Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope to measure the mass of a nearby white dwarf, as it bent the light of a more distant star.

Wow! signal explained after 40 years?

New evidence suggests the well-known Wow! signal from 1977 - long thought by some to be a sign of extraterrestrial life - was in fact generated by a passing comet.

A planet hotter than most stars

Astronomers have discovered a Jupiter-like world hotter than most stars. The planet has a year only 1.5 days long and might have a tail like a comet.

How hard did it rain on Mars?

In a new study, geologists show there was rainfall on Mars in the past – and that it was heavy enough to carve out many of the features we see today on the planet’s surface.

Saturn’s moon may have tipped over

Scientists used Cassini spacecraft images to show that Saturn's moon Enceladus may have tipped away from its original spin axis by 55 degrees - more than halfway toward rolling completely onto its side.

Matching Donation Campaign

Exciting news! EarthSky received a $50,000 gift, with a request that it be used to collect matching funds. Please help us meet this match by donating to EarthSky today!

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