Could a melting exomoon explain Tabby’s Star?

This star undergoes a long-term dimming that's so mysterious it was, at one time, proposed as possible evidence of an alien culture. Now, scientists say, a disk of debris - torn from a melting exomoon - might explain Tabby's Star.

The 2nd-fastest pulsar, now with gamma rays

Pulsars are the compact remnants of supernovae. They have strong magnetic fields and rotate rapidly. This one is spinning 707 times a second! Astronomers just discovered this pulsar is emitting high-energy gamma rays.

Did an asteroid collision cause an ice age on Earth?

Could a collision between 2 asteroids millions of miles away cause an ice age on Earth, some 460 million years ago? A new study of earthly rocks and sediments - plus micrometeorites that fell in Antarctica - suggest it's possible.

No, asteroid 2007 FT3 won’t hit Earth in October

Why is the internet so chock-full of stories about asteroids on a collision course with Earth? At this rate, we should have been obliterated many times over already. Here comes the newest scare story: asteroid 2007 FT3. No, it won't hit us, either.

Will a huge volcano on Jupiter’s moon Io erupt this month?

Loki, the largest volcano on Jupiter's moon Io, erupts on a more or less regular schedule. Planetary scientists are predicting an eruption this month. Here's what we know.

Are Saturn’s rings young or old?

Cassini data suggested that Saturn's rings were only 10 to 100 million years old. A new study suggests that a "ring rain" onto Saturn makes the rings look younger than they really are, and that in fact Saturn's rings date back billions of years.

Mystery green blob appears and disappears in distant galaxy

What is ULX-4 - a mystery green blob of X-ray light that appeared in the Fireworks Galaxy - and then soon disappeared again? A black hole or neutron star are 2 possibilities.

Milky Way’s black hole appears to be getting hungrier

"We have never seen anything like this in the 24 years we have studied the supermassive black hole. It’s usually a pretty quiet, wimpy black hole on a diet. We don’t know what is driving this big feast."

Is K2-18b really a habitable super-Earth?

It was exciting last week when scientists announced water vapor in a super-Earth's atmosphere. But, even as the announcement came, other scientists were cautioning that the planet - K2-18b - is probably less like a super-Earth and more like a mini-Neptune.

A distant galaxy’s black hole seen to flare unexpectedly

Astronomers now call recently-discovered flares from supermassive black holes in distant galaxies quasi-periodic eruptions. "Giant black holes regularly flicker like a candle but the rapid, repeating changes seen in GSN 069 from December onwards are something completely new," said one scientist.