Astronomers catch a record-setting X-ray burst

The sudden spike of X-rays released as much energy in 20 seconds as our sun does in nearly 10 days. Turns out it was a massive thermonuclear flash on a pulsar, the crushed remains of a star that exploded as a supernova long ago.

SDO caught the Mercury transit from space

Wow! Check out these space-based views of the Mercury transit from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Stunning view inside a young moon crater

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has returned some amazing high-resolution photos of the surface of the moon, including these ones of steep cliffs and impact melt inside a young crater called Giordano Bruno.

Did ancient Earth life escape our solar system?

You've heard of panspermia, the idea that life exists throughout space and was carried to Earth by comets? What if the reverse occurred, with microbes on Earth ejected into space by asteroid impacts, escaping into the solar system billions of years ago?

Is Hygiea now the smallest dwarf planet?

New images from ESO's Very Large Telescope show that asteroid Hygiea is round, meaning that it may now be classified as the smallest-known dwarf planet in our solar system.

TESS watched a black hole tear apart a star

TESS watched a black hole tear apart a star from start to finish, a cataclysmic phenomenon called a tidal disruption event.

TESS spacecraft is finding hundreds of exoplanets

... and it's poised to find thousands more. But will we find another Earth?

TESS planet-hunter shows you the southern sky

Mosaic of the southern sky constructed from 208 images by NASA’s TESS spacecraft, taken during the mission’s first year of science operations.

Giant planet HR 5183b would look 15 times brighter than Venus

Contrary to previous thought, a giant planet in a wild orbit doesn't mean there can't be an Earth-like planet in the same system. What’s more, the view from that Earth-like world as its giant neighbor moves past would be unlike anything we've ever seen.

Voyager 2 sends back insights on interstellar space

Voyager 2 left the realm of the sun's influence a year ago today, becoming the 2nd craft ever to do so. This week, the journal Nature Astronomy published 5 new papers describing what Voyager 2 has been seeing on its journey into the unknown.