Planet 9 not affecting Cassini at Saturn

"Although we'd love it if Cassini could help detect a new planet, we don't see any perturbations in our orbit that we cannot explain with our current models," said Cassini project manager Earl Maize.

Supermassive black holes everywhere?

A near-record supermassive black hole discovered in a sparse area of the local universe suggests these monster objects might be more common than once thought.

This ancient arthropod kept its babies on a leash

Scientists have discovered a tiny 430-million-year-old sea creature - dubbed Kite Runner - that apparently dragged its offspring around on strings like kites.

Supernovae showered Earth with radioactive debris

The supernovae may have been less than 300 light-years away. The evidence comes from radioactive iron-60, found in ocean sediments and crust.

California drought now the norm?

California drought patterns have occurred much more frequently in recent decades, says a new study.

SETI turns focus to 20,000 red dwarf stars

Astronomers with the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence had their reasons for ignoring red dwarf stars in the past. But now that thinking has changed.

Asteroid swept within moon’s distance April 5

Astronomers did know in advance that asteroid 2016 FW13 would pass closely - but safely - on April 5, 2016. Check out a photo from the Virtual Telescope Project.

Astronomers await pings from troubled Hitomi

An unknown disaster seems to have befallen the Japanese satellite that launched in February. Why X-ray astronomers are anxious for good news.

How to make a mountain on Mars

They're not mountains in the earthly sense. They're mile-high mounds, which - a new study says - were carved over billions of years by wind and climate.

Another asteroid clobbers Jupiter

Giant Jupiter is a frequent target for asteroid strikes, in part because of its size. This impact is the 5th we've seen in the past decade.