Jarred Donkersley in San Pedro, California wrote: “I’ve been shooting moonrises and moonsets for 3 years and have never really seen a lot of other photographers as I’m usually atop a random parking garage, hill, or mountain. Tonight I counted 7 other photographers!”
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we call the closest full moon to the September equinox the Harvest Moon. In 2016, the next equinox comes on September 22. So this hemisphere’s Harvest Moon was the full moon of September 16. It happened to be an especially close and large full moon … a supermoon? There’s disagreement on that, but we can all agree that this particular Harvest Moon looked especially bright. Plus this Harvest Moon underwent a penumbral lunar eclipse, visible from Earth’s eastern hemisphere. Enjoy these photos from EarthSky friends all over the world. Thanks to all who shared your photos with us!
Birgit Bodén in Sweden caught this beautiful reflection, as the September 16 Harvest Moon rose.Moonrise over Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, via Indranil Sinha.Ed Bettina Berg in Las Vegas, Nevada contributed this image of the 2016 Harvest Moon.Harvest Moon over Switzerland, contributed by OMlady O.C.B. Devgun in India wrote: “Clicked the whole sequence of the penumbral lunar eclipse from middle of New Delhi from an ancient observatory called Jantar Mantar … made by King Jai Singh during early 18th Century and finished around 1724.” Image via C. B. Devgun and Sachin Bahmba, Space Foundation.Harvest Moon in penumbral eclipse, September 16, 2016. Image via Dennis Anastassiou in Greece.Peter Lowenstein in Mutare, Zimbabwe – who contributes frequently to EarthSky – also caught the September 16 moon in penumbral eclipse. For Peter in the Southern Hemisphere, this full moon was the nearest full moon to the spring equinox.Akash Anandh in Singapore caught the penumbral lunar eclipse as it progressed.Matthew Chin in Hong Kong contributed this composite the Harvest Moon penumbral eclipse. A penumbral eclipse is subtle, but, as you can see here, the moon – in shadow – loses brightness.Composite of the penumbral eclipse from Farman Shams in Karachi, Pakistan.A. Kannan in Singapore caught the Harvest Moon with a 22-degree halo around it.Harvest Moon over Sabah, North Borneo on September 16. Image via Jenney Disimon.Nikolaos Pantazis got this shot of the Harvest Moon, rising over Vouliagmeni Lake in Greece.Hope Carter wrote, “Just a lovely rising Harvest moon last night over Michigan…I managed to capture this with the pink cast of the setting sun. It lasted but for a brief moment before the moon really popped brightly into the night sky. Happy Friday to all at EarthSky!”Dan Wyman wrote, “I was driving on the freeway from Dana Point to my home in Oceanside [California] when I saw the moon rising over the foothills.”Beautiful Harvest Moon shortly before rain, September 16, 2016, via Jan HR in Delton, Michigan.Moon over the courthouse in La Porte, Indiana. Image via Carl Galloway.Harvest Moon from Port Credit, Ontario. Image via Lunar 101-Moon BookAimilianos Gkekas shared this image of the moon over the Rousanou monastery in Meteora, Greece.Katy Alexander got this shot of moonrise over Clovelly, Sydney, Australia.
Bottom line: In case you miss it! Photos of the 2016 Harvest Moon from EarthSky friends.
Eleanor Imster has helped write and edit EarthSky since 1995. She was an integral part of the award-winning EarthSky radio series almost since it began until it ended in 2013. She and her husband live in Tennessee, where they enjoy guitar playing and singing. They have 2 grown sons.
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