Huge previously-undetected coral reef off US East Coast

Earlier this year, scientists were surprised to discover a huge forest of coldwater corals off the coast of South Carolina. A scientist aboard the expedition discusses the find.

Scientists describe 229 new species in 2018

The list includes neon fish, a fast-spinning spider, moray eels, venomous snakes, and more!

What would a warmer world look like?

According to the recent IPCC Special Report, warming of 1.5°C (2.7°F) is an important threshold for many climate impacts. What might our planet look like with 1.5°C of warming?

Christmas Bird Count starts December 14

Audubon’s annual Christmas Bird Count is one of the longest-running citizen science projects in existence. How to participate.

Another El Niño on the horizon?

The World Meteorological Organization has said there's a "75–80% chance" of a fully-fledged El Niño event by February, 2019. Click in for a good video from ESA describing El Niños and their global effects.

Watch geckos race on water!

Geckos are renowned for their acrobatic feats on land and in the air. Turns out they can also run on water.

Supervolcano eruption 20,000 years ahead?

Italy's Phlegraean Fields - one of Earth's most active and volatile volcanic regions - is readying for a catastrophic eruption, says new research. But not for thousands of years.

The future disappearance of Quelccaya Ice Cap

Quelccaya, in the Central Andes of Peru, is the largest tropical ice cap in the world. A recent study suggests that the ice cap might soon cease to exist.

Huge 4,000-year-old termite mounds visible via satellite

Researchers have found a vast array of regularly-spaced, still-inhabited termite mounds in northeastern Brazil covering an area the size of Great Britain.

For arid, Mars-like desert, rain brings death

When rains fell on the arid Atacama Desert, it was reasonable to expect floral blooms to follow. But a team of astrobiologists has found that the water brought death instead.