2020 tied for warmest year on record

2020 was Earth's hottest year in the 140-year record, effectively tying 2016, the previous record-holder.

Ready, set, explore Earth from home

We're at home. How about you? But we just discovered these virtual tours, galleries and live webcams from around the world, which we wanted to share. Stay home, and have some virtual fun ...

Megalodon shark’s enormous babies ate their siblings in the womb

Megalodons - the extinct giant sharks that lived in most of Earth's oceans about 3 million years ago - gave birth to babies that were larger than adult humans, scientists say.

Record number of billion-dollar disasters in U.S. in 2020

Last year, the U.S. experienced a record-smashing 22 weather and climate disasters that killed at least 262 people and injured scores more. Damages exceeded $1 billion each and totaled approximately $95 billion for all 22 events.

The long decline of Arctic sea ice

Forty years of satellite data show that 2020 was just the latest in a decades-long decline of Arctic sea ice.

View from space: An outburst from Popocatépetl

Popocatépetl volcano near Mexico City has been erupting since January 2005. On January 6, Mexico’s National Center for Prevention of Disasters, which continuously monitors the volcano, warned people not to approach due to an outburst that caused falling ash and rock fragments.

2020 Arctic Report Card: Sea ice loss, extreme wildfires

NOAA’s 2020 Arctic Report Card describes a region that is warming even more rapidly than scientists expected.

Dramatic images of erupting Kilauea volcano in Hawaii

Overnight on Sunday, USGS reported lava fountains that shot nearly 165 feet into the sky from a fissure on the eastern side of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. Lava has replaced the water that was in the basin of the crater, and a new lava lake was formed.

Iceberg due to collide with island splits in 2

Antarctic iceberg A-68A has drifted menacingly close to a remote island in the southern Atlantic Ocean. The giant iceberg could strike land this month. It has now split into 2 pieces.

Solstice tale of two cities

December solstice sunrise comes at the same time for St. Augustine, Florida, and New York City. But St. Augustine has an hour more of daylight than New York. Here's why.