English schoolkids publish study on bees

In what could be a first, a group of schoolkids has had its scientific study of bees published in the December 22 edition of a science journal, Biology Letters.

Shark Conservation Act passed by U.S. lawmakers to protect sharks from fin trade

The Shark Conservation Act - passed by U.S. lawmakers this week and now headed for President Obama's desk - would tighten the ban on capturing sharks for their fins.

U.S. government sues BP over oil spill

The Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill spewed 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The U.S. has filed a civil suit against BP for the spill.

Audubon Christmas Bird Count underway

The Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count is the largest and longest-running citizen science program in the world.

Cancun agreement to protect deforestation of tropical forests

A NASA scientist spoke of optimism following the new deal to protect deforestation of tropical forests, struck at the 2010 climate talks in Cancun, which ended last Friday.

Mountain fox caught on camera after 20-year absence

"It doesn’t get any better than finding what you thought was lost," said Diane Macfarlane, speaking of two foxes captured by wildlife cameras. The mountain fox had not been seen in the area for 20 years.

Why mammals never got big as biggest dinosaurs

The extinction of the dinosaurs allowed mammals to rapidly evolve a range of body sizes, but no land-dwelling mammals were able to get as large as the largest dinosaurs.

Flowering plants in storage, waiting to be named

Thousands of new flowering plants - unknown to the world - might sit in storage for 50 years before it earns the title of "new species," according to a new study.

Supreme Court to hear climate case

The U.S. Supreme Court announced today they will hear what's described as a 'landmark case' on climate involving energy utilities.

Two rare foxes feared to be extinct captured on camera

The endangered Sierra Nevada red fox hadn't been sighted in the past 20 years. But a series of photographs of the foxes in the wild has revived hope for the species' survival.