Astounding photos of marine worms, some previously unknown to science

Alexander Semenov photographed 222 different worm species, which are now in the process of being studied and documented by scientists. See photos.

Throat of Fire volcano in Ecuador erupts explosively

A five-minute explosion from Tungurahua volcano shot hot gas and rock 6 miles (10 km) into the air on April 4, 2014. More explosions and tremors followed.

Why do zebras have stripes? To keep bugs off, says study

Researchers say they've solved the riddle of why zebras have stripes: The stripes act like insect repellant, keeping away blood-sucking flies, say researchers.

Another powerful earthquake rocks northern Chile

For the second time in two days, a powerful earthquake has struck Chile. Today's quake was 7.6 magnitude. It's considered an aftershock of the 8.2-magnitude quake on April 1.

Video: April 1 tsunami moving across Pacific

Near real-time animation of the tsunami that resulted from the April 1 earthquake off northern Chile. Amazing to see the waves move across the Pacific

Tsunami warning issued after 8.2 quake in Chile

A 8.2 earthquake struck off the coast of Peru. Tsunami warnings have been issued for Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.

Will the Yellowstone supervolcano erupt in your lifetime?

The supervolcano under Yellowstone Park is one of the biggest in the world. When will it erupt again? This NFS scientist doesn't think it'll happen anytime soon.

Are microbes responsible for Earth’s largest mass extinction?

Around 250 million years ago, 90 percent of Earth's life was wiped out. The cause, new research suggests, wasn't asteroids, or volcanoes, but methane-spewing microbes.

Climate change effects already seen on all continents, all oceans

An IPCC report, issued today, says that climate change has already affected agriculture, human health, water supplies, and people’s livelihoods, from the tropics to the poles, from the wealthiest countries to the poorest.

Tropical Cyclone Hellen crushing parts of Madagascar

Meteorologists said Hellen was likely to be "one of the most powerful tropical cyclones ever seen over the northern channel [of the southwestern India Ocean] since the satellite era (1967)."

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