Strong earthquake off Indonesia’s Ambon island

USGS reports a 6.9-magnitude quake this morning - a strong earthquake - in the ocean near Indonesia's Ambon Island. Why this region is prone to strong earthquakes.

Vast river network once flowed across Sahara

Scientists have captured amazing new radar images of a paleoriver network underneath the desert sands of the Sahara.

End of 2015 hurricane season

Below-normal Atlantic hurricane season, but active eastern and central Pacific season shatters records.

Greenland icy, not green, when colonized?

A new study questions the popular notion that 10th-century Vikings were able to colonize Greenland because of unusually warm weather.

Two powerful volcanos erupted this week

Europe's Mount Etna and Nicaragua's Momotombo both erupted spectacularly in this first week of December, 2015.

Ice loss benefits Adélie penguins, for now

Over the past 14,000 years, penguin numbers in East Antarctica increased 135-fold because of disappearing glaciers and sea ice. How long can populations keep growing?

Lifeform of the week: Horseshoe crab

If the horseshoe crab looks like it comes from another era, that's because it does.

Wisdom is back again!

Wisdom - world’s oldest living, banded, wild bird - has returned to Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. She's 64 years old and a symbol of hope and inspiration.

Army ants build living bridges

If a gap interrupts a swarm of army ants, they build a 'living bridge' using their own bodies. How? New research says ants perform a collective computation.

WMO: 2015 likely warmest year on record

The World Meteorological Organization says high temps in 2015 are due to the overall trend of global warming, combined with the strong ongoing El Niño.