Seagulls on an iceberg

A group of ivory gulls - a threatened species of seagull - has made a colony in an unusual place: On an iceberg.

Your top 4 questions about tornadoes

May is the peak month for twisters here in the U.S.

How Earth’s magnetic field is changing

Data from a trio of satellites show rapid local changes in Earth's magnetic field. The cause is likely accelerations in the flow of liquid iron near Earth's core.

Volcanic eruption in far south Atlantic

If it weren't for satellites, the eruption on Bristol island might have gone unnoticed. Instead, here are pics.

Smoke from Canada’s wildfires in clouds

Wildfires are currently burning across a large expanse of Canada. This image from the Aqua satellite shows wildfire smoke trapped in the clouds.

Baby dino was self-reliant mini-me

But, in the case of the fossil bones examined in this new study, the baby dinosaur lived only weeks, apparently dying of starvation.

Earthquake swarms at Mount St. Helens

Earthquake rates have been steadily increasing since March at the Pacific Northwest volcano Mount St. Helens. The cause is probably new magma, rising upward.

Study: Widespread loss of ocean oxygen by 2030s

These scientists said that, as our warming climate saps the ocean of oxygen, marine life like fish, crabs, squid, and sea stars could be left struggling to breathe.

Earth might be home to a trillion species

Largest-ever analysis of microbial data concludes that 99.999 percent of species remain undiscovered.

Inhospitable Danakil Depression hosts extreme life

It's below sea level, with near-boiling water bubbling up from underground, high salt concentrations and toxic vapor. Yet life survives here.