Zap! Biologist measures electric eel’s shock on his own arm

Talk about dedication to science! This biologist stuck his arm into an eel tank - 10 times - to get an accurate measure of an eel's shock. He said it felt "like touching a horse fence."

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2017

Which one would you choose?

Dust devils on Earth and Mars

Researchers spent 5 years studying dust devils in earthly deserts. They said their research has implications for climate and weather on both Earth and Mars and for human health.

Irma turns Caribbean islands brown

Wow. Check out these satellite images of Caribbean islands before and after Hurricane Irma

Openings in Antarctic sea ice influence global climate

Heat escaping through openings in sea ice influences sea and atmospheric temperatures and wind patterns around the globe - even rainfall around the tropics, says new study.

Does organic material in comets predate our solar system?

"If cometary organic molecules were indeed produced in interstellar space—and if they played a role in the emergence of life on our planet—might they not also have seeded life on many other planets of our galaxy?"

Our Age of Humans in a galactic context

A proposed new classification system - somewhat like the well-known Kardashev scale for classifying extraterrestrial civilizations - and a new way of thinking about human sustainability on Earth.

Thursday night was fantastic for auroras

Space weather forecasters predicted the possibility of strong geomagnetic storms, resulting in a strong display of the aurora borealis, or northern lights … and they were right!

Human antidepressants found in brains of Great Lakes fish

“Fish are receiving this cocktail of drugs 24 hours a day, and we are now finding these drugs in their brains.”

See an extra-red moon or sun this week?

If you live in the U.S. or Canada, a peculiarly red moon - or very spectacular sunrise or sunset - might be due to smoke from wildfires. Click in for images from Earth and space.