Asperitas clouds over Tenerife

Meet Earth's newest named cloud, the asperitas cloud, 1st new addition to the International Cloud Atlas in over half a century.

Turning hurricanes into music

A meteorologist and a music technologist are turning data from tropical storms into musical graphs. Can listening to storms help us understand them better?

The largest land organism is … a fungus

Maybe you thought it was the giant sequoia or the African elephant. Not even close. The biggest honey fungus identified in North America measures 3.4 miles across!.

Yetis? Nope. DNA study says bears

A new DNA study of purported Yeti samples from museums and private collections is providing insight into the origins of this Himalayan legend.

What would Earth be like with no moon?

Earth without its moon would be a very different world indeed. No eclipses. Smaller tides. But the biggest change would be in the length of Earth's day.

Bright moon and aurora borealis

Does a bright moon means you can't see the northern lights? No. Here's awesome proof that, for photographers at least, moonlight can enhance the view.

Do songbirds share ‘universal grammar’?

A new study suggests that humans and songbirds have common biological hardwiring that shapes how they produce and perceive sounds.

Most blue whales are ‘right-handed’

Of course, they don't have hands. But scientists used motion-sensing tags to show that most blue whales roll to the right as they feed – except when swimming upward.

Now we know Earth blocks neutrinos

"This achievement is important because it shows, for the first time, that very-high-energy neutrinos can be absorbed by something -- in this case, the Earth."

Birdseye view of iceberg A-68A

The giant iceberg A-68A calved from Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf. This photo shows part of iceberg’s edge and open water.