It’s nesting season for sea turtles

Adult female sea turtles - on beaches from North Carolina to Texas and throughout the Caribbean - are crawling out of the ocean and laying their eggs. Here's an update from a biologist who's been studying these turtles for 36 years.

Help NASA create the world’s largest landslide database

NASA researchers have launched a citizen science project requesting your reports on landslides you've seen, heard about in the news, or found in an online database. Photos welcome!

Ample warning for supervolcanos?

Yellowstone's supervolcano won't erupt anytime soon. Neither will other similar systems around the world. A new study says we'll see many warning signs before a supervolcano erupts.

See 15 years of change in the Arctic

Mesmerizing new video, made from 15 years of satellite data, shows the waxing and waning of Arctic ice and snow as the seasons change.

Cool video! When humans stalked a giant sloth

Fossil footprints track a prehistoric hunt.

Curious holes in Arctic sea ice

Warming seawater might be the culprit, or seals might have gnawed the holes. For now, the strange circular holes in Arctic sea ice, photographed earlier this month, are mysterious.

Record microplastic found in Arctic sea ice

New research shows that even the Arctic Ocean isn't immune to an influx of plastic.

Giant ichthyosaur one of largest animals ever

The new discovery of a jaw bone suggests that this prehistoric aquatic reptile would have been about the size of a blue whale.

Watch the mating dance of a new bird species

Be a birder for a few minutes, and enjoy the distinctive song, dance and courtship display of a newly recognized Bird-of-Paradise, in new videos from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

These sea turtles use magnetic fields like GPS

"They might not always make it back to the exact beach where they were born, and instead might opt for beaches with similar magnetic properties, as if their internal GPS has just slightly mixed up addresses."