Do you want to know the date of the full moon? The full moon’s name? The moon’s current phase? The moon’s rising and setting time? How about when the moon is at perigee – closest to Earth for the month? Or maybe how long the lunar month lasts this time around? Find all this and more on our moon facts page. If you can’t find what you’re seeking, contact us and we’ll try to help you!
Understanding moon phases by Deborah Byrd
Full moon names by EarthSky
Moon phases by Fred Espenak
When is the next total lunar eclipse for North America? by EarthSky
How do I watch a total lunar eclipse? by EarthSky
Current moon phase by the US Naval Observatory
Moon phases by the US Naval Observatory
Moonrise/moonset almanacs by EarthSky
Lunar perigee and apogee calculator by John Walker
Monthly lunar standstills: 2001-2100 by
Moon at Perigee and Apogee 2001 to 2100 by Fred Espenak
Duration of the lunar month by
Duration of the lunar month by Astropixels
Moon distance calculator by
Tide almanacs by EarthSky