Photos of last night’s young moon

The young moon has returned to the west after sunset. Check out these photos from the EarthSky Community.

Fireball over New Mexico

You can expect meteor activity to increase in the coming months, as we re-enter a time of year for major meteor showers. Here's what appears to be a random meteor, but a very bright one!

Farewell old moon, hello Mercury

Many in the EarthSky community caught the brightest planet Venus and the very old moon - a waning crescent in the east before the sun - this week. Some also caught elusive Mercury near the moon.

See it! Mars meets the Sisters

Red Mars has been exceedingly close - and is still close - to the Pleiades star cluster, aka the Seven Sisters. These EarthSky Community photos show them in the west after sunset, where you can see them for some nights to come.

Moon and Saturn Friday morning

The March 29 occultation of Saturn by the moon was visible from eastern Brazil, southern Africa, Madagascar, the southern tip of India, and Sri Lanka.

Jupiter and 3 moons

Jupiter, with moons Ganymede, Europa and Io.

Large Magellanic Cloud over Neill Island

Northern Hemisphere skywatchers need to be south of about 20 degrees N. latitude to see the Large Magellanic Cloud. Aman Chokshi caught it from Neill Island, India, at about 10 degrees N.

SOHO looks at equinox sun

Four views of the sun taken by the SOHO solar observatory on the morning of the March 2019 equinox.

Fiery sunset

Neeraj Ladia in Chennai, India, caught this beautiful sunset last week, on the day of the equinox. Thank you, Neeraj!

Milky Way and rock art

No one knows for sure what ancient culture drew this rock art.