Historical hurricane tracks

Map of the US East Coast showing the tracks of hurricane systems from 1900-2015.

Mars 2020 landing site

Jezero crater on Mars, where the NASA Mars 2020 rover will be exploring.

Lightning, New York City, May 28, 2019

Alex Krivenyshev of the website WorldTimeZone.com caught these photos of the lightning show over New York City on May 28. "Watching from my window," he wrote. Thanks for sharing, Alex!

Okinawa sunset

Beverly Fish captured Friday's sunset in Okinawa, Japan. Thank you, Beverly!

The Crow and the Southern Cross

The constellations Corvus the Crow and Crux the Southern Cross cross the sky together, and reach their highest point in the sky at about the same time. Here's a photo from Dr Ski in the Philippines, showing their relationship.

Spring versus winter

Alessandra Cailotto took this photo of flowers peeking through the snow in northern Italy on May 7. She wrote, "Spring vs winter: 1-0."

Bound for Mars in 2020

The spacecraft for NASA's next Mars mission - Mars 2020 - is really beginning to take shape now. Here's the complete cruise stage, suspended in a cleanroom at JPL. It'll power and guide the spacecraft on its 7-month voyage to Mars.

Waxing moon with Golden Handle

Peter Lowenstein in Mutare, Zimbabwe, caught this photo of a waxing moon, setting, with what's called a Golden Handle (the curved feature at top right, jutting up along the line between light and dark on the moon).

Stunning ISS pass above Rome

The International Space Station passing over Rome's city lights on April 30, 2019.

Rainbow spokes over Pennsylvania

When dense rain showers are falling into a rainbow, you might see one or more dark spokes centered on the point exactly opposite the sun. These are called rainbow spokes, or rainbow wheels.