Changing eclipse shadow in La Serena, Chile

This series of photos from Eliot Herman shows the progress of the moon's shadow during the July 2, 2019, total solar eclipse in Chile.

More amazing images of the July 2 eclipse

Some called it the "astronomer's eclipse" because it passed near major observatories in Chile. Check out these beautiful images of the July 2, 2019, total solar eclipse.

July 2 solar eclipse from La Serena, Chile

EarthSky friend Eliot Herman traveled to Chile to capture the July 2, 2019, total solar eclipse in all its glory.

Amazing June for noctilucent clouds

For the northern part of Earth, the season for seeing noctilucent clouds - clouds that shine at night - typically begins in June. This June has been particularly fine for seeing these electric-blue clouds. Photos and video here.

Moonlit night in Yosemite

Moonlit rainbow over cascading Yosemite waterfall.

Meet an iconic spiral galaxy

This is a particularly photogenic spiral galaxy, called NGC 2903. You can see its pinwheeling spiral arms, scatterings of stars, glowing bursts of gas, and dark lanes of cosmic dust.

Best photos of the Mercury-Mars conjunction

It was the closest conjunction of 2 planets in 2019, between Mercury and Mars. It happened low in the evening twilight - and was best seen from Earth's Southern Hemisphere. Check out these photos from EarthSky Community members.

Airglow over Halcottsville, New York

The Milky Way rising over a silo.

The fish are biting

John Ashley caught these fish - with a camera - fighting and mating during a late May/early June spawning season in Montana.

Asperitas clouds ahead of the rain

Kent Reinhard captured these rare asperitas clouds on June 10. They’ve been described as “… as if viewing a roughened sea surface from below.”