Cranes heading south from Sweden

A sign that summer is ending ... Jörgen Andersson in Sweden captured cranes migrating southward on August 21.

Nieves penitentes and Earth’s shadow

"Nieves penitentes" is Spanish for "penitent-shaped snows." These ice structures form in extreme conditions of high elevation, high solar radiation, low humidity, and dry winds.

Perseids over Denmark

Perseid meteor shower 2019 over Scandinavia's 1st dark sky park, the island of Møn in Denmark.

It was cold in Australia last weekend

The August 9-12 weather event in Australia was one of the longest cold stretches and greatest snowfall totals so far in this century, according to climate and atmospheric scientists.

Full moon over Carnarvon, Australia

From 1963 until its closure in 1975, the Carnarvon Space Tracking Station supported a range of scientific and exploratory missions as the United States raced to put a man on the moon.

Photos from 2019’s Perseid meteor shower

It's a very special group of images of this year's Perseid meteor shower, many taken in bright moonlight. Thanks to all who contributed photos!

Check out these interacting galaxies

Hubble image of an interacting galactic duo known as UGC 2369.

Moon halo over Magellan telescope

This sort of halo is called a 22 degree halo by skywatchers. You can see them around both the sun and moon. They're caused by ice crystals in the air. They bear that name because the radius of the ring is always approximately 22 degrees.

Two sweet Indian white-eyes

These birds live in open woodland on the Indian subcontinent. They forage in small groups, feeding on nectar and small insects.

Hubble’s new portrait of Jupiter

This new Hubble Space Telescope portrait of Jupiter reveals a smaller-than-usual Great Red Spot and an intense color palette in Jupiter's swirling clouds. NASA said, "The colors, and their changes, provide important clues to ongoing processes in Jupiter’s atmosphere."