Hunkering down in winter weather

Snow, ice and cold temperatures wreak havoc across much of the United States in February.

Morning moongazer

On a cold morning in Norway this week, a look at the waning moon in a daylit sky.

Your best photos from winter 2021

We share your best photos of winter 2021!

The Mars-Uranus conjunction of January 2021

Mars and Uranus passed close to each other in a conjunction on January 21, 2021. Photos from the event captured by EarthSky readers available here.

Venus sinks toward the sun

Venus has been the "morning star," shining brightly near the horizon just before sunrise. Photographers are capturing pictures in January 2021 and sharing those images with EarthSky.

SDO spies its 1st lunar transit of 2021

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory has been continuously observing the sun since its launch in 2010. From its vantage point above Earth, it sees the moon pass in front of the sun 2 to 5 times a year.

Planetary trio: Photos of Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn

The planetary trio has come and gone, but some in EarthSky's community captured photos!

View from space: An outburst from Popocatépetl

Popocatépetl volcano near Mexico City has been erupting since January 2005. On January 6, Mexico’s National Center for Prevention of Disasters, which continuously monitors the volcano, warned people not to approach due to an outburst that caused falling ash and rock fragments.

Star trails over a tree-lined path

Photo of star trails over a tree-lined path in Iran.

The sky in 2020

A collection of astronomical photos of 2020 from southern British Columbia, Canada. The music is 'Windswept' by Kevin Macleod.