SpaceX lasers define next era of Starlink technology

SpaceX lasers launched this week with a new batch of Starlink satellites marks a transition in tech for the satellite broadband network.

Rerun of a supernova blast expected 2037

Astronomers expect to see a rerun of a supernova blast, whose light traveled 10 billion years to reach us, in about the year 2037.

Impact on Jupiter surprises skywatchers

An impact on Jupiter has stargazers looking skyward to see if they can spot any lingering evidence of the September 13, 2021, event.

Missing impact debris mystery solved?

Where is the missing impact debris from the early solar system? A new study says it was probably vaporized into gas that subsequently escaped the solar system.

Dog-bone asteroid Kleopatra makes a fetching portrait

ESO released new images of Kleopatra, the dog-bone asteroid. The images helped astronomers uncover its size and composition, revealing that it's a rubble pile.

Small asteroid skimmed close to Earth, hours after discovery

A small asteroid skimmed close to Earth on September 7, 2021. Asteroid 2021 RS2 passed less than 10,000 miles (about 15,000 km) away.

What is gravitational lensing?

What is gravitational lensing? When a massive object bends space, light traveling through the warped space results in rings, arcs or many points of light.

Blue and Gold orbiters bound for Mars in 2024

NASA's 2 Blue and Gold orbiters are part of the coming Mars ESCAPADE mission, which has now passed its final review. It'll launch to Mars in October 2024.

Star collision triggers supernova explosion

Star collision triggers supernova! Dramatic evidence that a black hole or neutron star spiraled its way into the core of a companion star and ... boom!

Success! 1st Martian rock cored by Perseverance

NASA's Perseverance rover has successfully cored its first rock on Mars. The good news comes after an earlier attempt failed in early August. The core sample will be stored onboard the rover for later return to Earth by a future mission.