Parker Solar Probe has a Venus flyby today

Parker Solar Probe will perform a close Venus flyby on October 16, 2021, to send the probe on toward its 10th close approach to the sun in November.

Venus never had oceans, study says

Scientists have run computer simulations that suggest Venus never had oceans because the conditions were never cool enough to allow for rain.

How overflowing lakes created valleys on Mars

A new study of ancient Martian valleys shows that at least a quarter of them were created by massive floods from overflowing lakes billions of years ago.

19 hidden planets revealed by their auroras

Scientists have discovered 19 possible hidden planets, detected through radio waves they believe are from red dwarf stars interacting with exoplanets.

51 Eridani b: An exoplanet orbits its star

An amazing animation of the young, Jupiter-like exoplanet 51 Eridani b, in orbit around its star, only 96 light-years away.

Ancient Martian lake confirmed in rover images

Images from NASA's Perseverance rover have confirmed that Jezero Crater was once an ancient Martian lake. Moreover, there is also a large delta formed by a river and evidence of flash floods that carried large boulders into the lake.

Deep-sky objects: Small telescope and binocular targets

Deep-sky objects - including bright and dark nebulae, star clusters and distant galaxies - are favorite targets for amateur stargazers.

Photosynthesis in Venus’ atmosphere?

Photosynthesis in Venus' atmosphere may be possible, according to a new study. The findings support the idea that microbes could exist and even thrive in the more temperate regions of the planet's cloud layers.

Pluto’s atmosphere is disappearing

Pluto's atmosphere is disappearing. The dwarf planet's atmosphere is freezing as it moves farther from the sun in its orbit and falling to the surface.

And … action! 1st movie in space underway with Russian crew

A Russian spacecraft launched to the International Space Station on October 5, 2021, carrying an actor and director for the 1st movie in space.